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14/02/23 00:00 eSports - League of Legends paiN Gaming.A - FURIA.A 1.83 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
11/02/23 14:00 eSports - League of Legends Impunity - Frank Esports 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
11/02/23 02:00 eSports - League of Legends Evil Geniuses - Cloud9 1.80 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
10/02/23 22:00 eSports - League of Legends Cyber Wolves - Crvena zvezd.. 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
10/02/23 19:00 eSports - League of Legends Dynamo Eclot - Entropiq 1.80 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
10/02/23 15:00 eSports - League of Legends Frank Esports - Beyond Gami.. 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
10/02/23 13:00 eSports - League of Legends MAX - Joy Dream 1.80 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/02/23 22:15 eSports - League of Legends GTZ Esports - FTW 1.83 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/02/23 22:00 eSports - League of Legends Rebels Gaming - KOI Academy 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/02/23 19:00 eSports - League of Legends BISONS Eclub - Fnatic TQ 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/02/23 18:00 eSports - League of Legends Besiktas Esports - Galaktic.. 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/02/23 13:00 eSports - League of Legends FunPlus Phoenix Blaze - Tea.. 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
08/02/23 15:00 eSports - League of Legends LNG.A - Weibo Gaming.Y 1.90 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
08/02/23 02:00 eSports - League of Legends KaBuM! e-Sports.A - RED Can.. 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
07/02/23 23:00 eSports - League of Legends KOI Academy - Giants 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
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