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23/04/22 12:30 eSports - League of Legends Royal Never Give Up - Top E.. 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
21/04/22 13:30 eSports - League of Legends Weibo Gaming - JD Gaming 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
17/04/22 12:00 eSports - League of Legends Top Esports - Royal Never G.. 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
16/04/22 23:00 eSports - League of Legends Team Aze - Estral Esports 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
16/04/22 19:00 eSports - League of Legends Flamengo.A - paiN Gaming.A 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
15/04/22 12:00 eSports - League of Legends Deep Cross Gaming - J Team 1.83 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
14/04/22 01:00 eSports - League of Legends Immortals.A - 100 Thieves.A 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
13/04/22 12:01 eSports - League of Legends Royal Never Give Up - JD Ga.. 1.83 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
13/04/22 12:00 eSports - League of Legends Royal Never Give Up - JD Ga.. 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
10/04/22 19:00 eSports - League of Legends KaBuM! e-Sports - RED Canid.. 1.83 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/22 13:00 eSports - League of Legends Luxury Esports - Team Secre.. 1.83 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/22 11:45 eSports - League of Legends Royal Never Give Up - JD Ga.. 1.83 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/22 02:15 eSports - League of Legends Keyd Stars - 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
07/04/22 12:00 eSports - League of Legends J Team - CTBC Flying Oyster 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
05/04/22 22:00 eSports - League of Legends MACKO Esports - WLGaming Es.. 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
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