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18/05/23 15:00 eSports - League of Legends T1 - JD Gaming 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
17/05/23 11:00 eSports - League of Legends NAOS Esports - Nigma Galaxy 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
14/05/23 13:00 eSports - League of Legends FunPlus Phoenix - ThunderTa.. 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
05/05/23 11:00 eSports - League of Legends NOVA Esports - JD Gaming 1.83 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
28/04/23 15:00 eSports - League of Legends NOVA Esports - Edward Gamin.. 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
23/04/23 15:00 eSports - League of Legends Edward Gaming - KeepBest Ga.. 1.83 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
15/04/23 03:00 eSports - League of Legends Six Karma - Movistar R7 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
12/04/23 15:00 eSports - League of Legends CERBERUS Esports - KT Rolst.. 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
11/04/23 12:00 eSports - League of Legends Edward Gaming - Bilibili Ga.. 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/23 19:00 eSports - League of Legends paiN Gaming - Los Grandes 1.72 Pinnacle ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/23 14:00 eSports - League of Legends Edward Gaming - FunPlus Pho.. 1.83 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/23 13:00 eSports - League of Legends CERBERUS Esports - SBTC Esp.. 1.72 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/23 12:00 eSports - League of Legends JD Gaming - Edward Gaming 1.83 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
09/04/23 08:00 eSports - League of Legends ThunderTalk Gaming - WHG Es.. 1.83 Rivalo ToR_3 Bezmaksas
08/04/23 11:00 eSports - League of Legends CTBC Flying Oyster - Frank .. 1.72 TonyBet ToR_3 Bezmaksas
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